Shelter details
- Added May 31, 2021 | Last Update Aug 31, 2023
- 1305 Main St
Buffalo, NY 14209
Open in Google Maps
- (716) 882-5705
The Mission of Little Portion Friary is to journey with the homeless, providing temporary shelter, meals, and counseling during their struggle to acquire permanent housing and jobs.We provided a home to 19 men and 10 women.
The average length of stay at Little Portion Friary is dependent on a guests needs.
Each guest is interviewed by a volunteer and asked a variety of questions regarding past issues as well as future concerns. This interview determines the eligibility of a guest. An individual must be homeless; at least 18 years of age; 24 hours free of drugs and alcohol; have no sexual offense record; be capable of doing chores and be able to follow house rules. The guests must be able to be out of the house daily from 9 am to 4 pm, and they must return no later than 10:30 pm. The guests must be linked with services, as directed or referred to by a counselor. Phone referrals can be taken providing there is an open bed, but Little Portion Friary (LPF) does not have a waiting list. Since a guests stay is day-to-day if the house is full when first contacted, homeless individuals are requested to call back daily to inquire about availability
Depending on a guests situation he or she may be required to attend outside programs. For instance, a person with a prior or present history of drug and alcohol abuse must attend two to five AA/NA meetings per week depending on their length of sobriety and other programs they may be attending. Also, a person diagnosed with a mental illness must have guidance from a counselor and medications as required. LPF also has communication with the community. Once a week, an advocate from Social Services and health services comes to LPF to speak with any guest. Resources which benefit a guest.
Question & Answers (5)
Is this shelter free?
Do they accept donations at this shelter?
Do they allow Pets at this shelter?
How old do you have to be to stay here?
How long can you stay at this shelter?