Shelter details
- Added Dec 12, 2020 | Last Update Mar 30, 2023
- P.O. Box 3572
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Open in Google Maps
- (717) 334-9777
Services provided at this domestic violence shelter:1. Shelter ServicesWomen and their children (we accept all minor children orthose who are legally dependant) seeking safety and immediaterespite from domestic violence may qualify for up to 30 days ofEmergency Shelter in one year. Eligibility criteria do apply- thoseaccessing the shelter are assessed for appropriateness for 24-48hours.
2. Transitional Housing
Women and their children who left their home due to domesticviolence and need additional support to their path ofindependence may qualify for temporary housing for up to ayear. Eligibility standards apply, and space in the program islimited.
3. Supportive Counseling
One-on-one counseling is meant to provide individuals (men orwomen) coping skills to deal with any applicable history of abuse,to provide information about options available, to empoweraccess to available options, and to provide the resources so thehealing process may begin.
4. Support Group
Occurs weekly with childcare offered.
5. Children's Support Group
6. Legal Advocacy
Assists those who have experienced domestic violence andchoose to pursue a Protection From Abuse (PFA) Order inpreparing information to be submitted. Information and referralservices regarding civil system and criminal system as well asaccompaniment to court.7. Accompaniment
To hearings, to court, to the hospital, to human service agenciesas requested and allowed by confidentiality and the individual'sconsent.
Question & Answers (5)
Is this shelter free?
Do they accept donations at this shelter?
Do they allow Pets at this shelter?
How old do you have to be to stay here?
How long can you stay at this shelter?